A registered domain name is a "must have" to do business successfully on the Internet. It is not only your business address but it also lets the world know who you are and what you do.
Many businesses will have one domain for their company name (mycompany.com), another domain for their internal network (mycompany.net), and other domains for each product that they market (widgets.com). If you are concerned about your corporate identity and maintaining exclusivity, you may want to cover all or as many of the domain extensions as feasibly possible. At the very least, if you can get the .com, get it! It is the main top level domain (TLD) and will always be to your advantage to have it, even if you are a nonprofit organization.
You never have to worry about losing your domains. We manage your domains from registration, renewals and DNS maintenance through our Corporate Identity Program for no additional cost.
Below are some questions that you might find useful in your search for a good domain name.